iPhone 4 'Bursts into Flames,' Report Claims

5:05 PM | Labels: | No Comment »

Analysis: Details are sketchy about this particular incident, but the newest iPhone could be hot in more than one way.

The Boy Genius Report reports that an iPhone 4 "burst into flames".
They have photos, helpfully provided by "One of our very close AT&T sources" [translation: a retail store clerk] of the melted USB cable and the scorched 30-pin dock connector at the bottom of the phone. The phone was connected via its USB cable to the owner's computer.
Alas, they don't have any video: we have to imagine the phone's owner looking first puzzled, then horrified, then screaming as the flames "burst" and the ThisChangesEverythingAgain phone, the most advanced piece of technology on the planet as its fans reverently recite, turns into something that looks like a


Orange Launches Affordable Android Phones (...well, in Spain at least)

5:01 PM | Labels: | No Comment »

Orange Launches Affordable Android Phones
Orange is trying to make sure that everyone who wants a smartphone can now afford one, and has announced it is launching a line of (more) affordable smartphones for around £100.


Firefox 4 Beta 1 Now Available for Download

4:58 PM | Labels: | No Comment »

Firefox 4 Beta 1
 Now Available for DownloadWe've been waiting for this update from Mozilla and if you're tired of IE-monopoly then we know you gonna love this one. The second most popular browser Firefox has now made its 4.0 release official with Beta 1 ready for public consumption today.

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